Tuesday, December 27, 2011


(Note: a poem written Wednesday, July 13, 2011. Kind of reads like a song because I was listening to "Over My Head" by Christopher Dallman at the time. In a way I think I may have been alluding to my own tendency to hide certain aspects of myself, even though I'm a fairly open person.)

Open up,
I know you’re in there.
You’ve had it rough,
but trust me, I’ve been there.
You’ve given up,
and blocked all of your light.
But from what little of you I can see,
there’s still so much fight inside.
Are you sure you have no more to share?
I know you thought love would play fair.

Hello to
whoever you want to be.
Nice to meet
however much you let me see.
Beautiful day
to open up and care again.
Don’t you think?
Take a deep breath again.
Trust me, I know that it’s not about me,
but I want to be good for whatever you want to be.

I still see you.
what can reach you.
Soul is
hard to see you.
give in.
Let love free you…

There you are,
so nice to finally meet you.
Let the light continue to heal you.

Open up,
I know you’re in there.
You’ve given up,
but trust me, I’ve been there.
You’ve had enough,
and turned off your care.
But love abides,
it knows you’re still in there.
It knows you have more to share.
It lays all your ghosts to bare.

When you’re ready,
I’ll be here.
Slow and steady,
have no fear.
Head to the sky,
heart in your hand.
And if you have to stop along the way,
I understand.
Open up if you can,
and start to love again.

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